Press Release September 11, 2003

Press Release
For Immediate Release
September 11, 2003

For More Information:
Terry Carroll (920) 727-1411
Ann Stilp at FH&K (920) 722-4014


Technology similar to proposed Fox River sediment treatment option

(Neenah, Wisc.) Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WISDOT) Secretary Frank Busalacchi and Minergy officials today witnessed the first commercial road making application of asphalt made from Glass Aggregate, the product made at Minergy Corporation’s sludge processing plant in Neenah.

Northeast Asphalt paved the traffic terminal at Johnson Trucking using asphalt made from the Glass Aggregate. The asphalt product made from Glass Aggregate was recently certified under the WISDOT and ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) standards for asphalt paving. That means it meets or exceeds all physical, chemical and performance specifications for these materials. Johnson Trucking is located at 8420 Winncrest Road in Neenah.

“This is a Wisconsin success story of a home-grown technology that is good for the environment and good for the construction industry,” said WISDOT Secretary Frank Busalacchi. “Once again Wisconsin is leading the way in developing new ways to deal with old problems. Today’s pour is the product of the state and business working together to bring innovative new products to the market.

“The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Wisconsin Recycling Markets Development Board have worked with Minergy to promote the development of its sludge and sediment recycling systems.

“The state of Wisconsin has long supported the beneficial use of recycled material,” says Terry Carroll, Minergy’s Regional Manager. “Today’s project demonstrates another successful application of Glass Aggregate in the marketplace. Instead of the paper sludge going into a landfill, it is being turned into a beneficial commodity.”

The Environmental Protection Agency and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources also recently listed a similar Minergy process to treat contaminated river sediment, known as vitrification, as an option for the Fox River cleanup under the just released Record of Decision. The process would destroy the PCBs, leaving a similar inert Glass Aggregate that can be used in construction materials.

“The sediment vitrification facility would produce a Glass Aggregate that is virtually identical to what is being used for this project today,” said Carroll. “This is a real option to destroy the PCBs in the river sediment once and for all, turning an environmental hazard into a safe, beneficial construction material.”

Glass Aggregate made from Fox River sediment is currently going through the same asphalt mix design and Carroll expects test results within next 60 days. Minergy’s plan is to certify river sediment Glass Aggregate with the WISDOT as well.

Minergy is continually expanding the markets for Glass Aggregate in the construction industry, according to Carroll. Glass Aggregate in its raw form has been used as filler for road making, building foundations and ceramic floor tile. Finely ground Glass Aggregate is used as cement in concrete and as sandblasting grit. Some companies also use similar glasses as roofing shingle granules.

Minergy’s Fox Valley Glass Aggregate Plant in Neenah recycles 350,000 tons of sludge annually from several area paper mills. As a result, the plant produces steam for an adjacent paper mill and Glass Aggregate.Minergy Corporation, located in Neenah, Wisc., specializes in the vitrification, or melting, of waste materials into Glass Aggregate, an inert glass product used by the construction industry. Waste materials processed by the company include sludges, sediments and soils. Minergy was established in 1993 as a subsidiary of Wisconsin Energy Corporation.

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