Fox Valley Energy Center, LLC (Thermagen Power Group), Neenah, Wis., U.S.A.
Initially developed, constructed, owned and operated by Minergy as the Fox Valley Glass Aggregate Plant through September 2006, the facility solved a significant sludge disposal problem for many local paper mills. Currently owned and operated by Thermagen Power Group as the Fox Valley Energy Center, the facility has the capacity to recycle 350,000 tons of pulp and paper wastewater solids annually while producing two high-demand products: renewable energy (steam) and glass aggregate.
Environmental Benefits Meet Goals
With our Glass Aggregate Technology, Minergy is helping paper mills, power plants, and municipal wastewater processors meet their long-term sludge disposal and environmental goals. By recycling the sludge into renewable energy and glass aggregate instead of placing it in a landfill, the Fox Valley Energy Center preserves 10 acres of green space per year. The plant’s steam production allowed the adjacent paper mill to reduce operation of older, less efficient boilers, which have higher emission levels thus improving local air quality. In addition, truck traffic and the resulting emissions have been reduced by about 450,000 miles per year.
Plant Characteristics
Current owner: Thermagen Power Group (since October 2006)
Location: Neenah, Wis., U.S.A.
Sludge capacity: 1,300 tons/day (as received), 500 dry tons/day
Glass aggregate production: 200 tons/day
Furnace: Babcock & Wilcox Cyclone (two)
Thermal energy recovery system: 300,000 pounds/hour, 350 psig, 650º Fahrenheit steam boiler
Dryer technology: Two 85-foot rotary steam tubes
Electrical generation: Up to 6,500 kW
Plant size: 50,000 square feet
Employees: 27 (four operators/shift)
Started operation: January 1998 (as Minergy Fox Valley Glass Aggregate Plant)
Recognized by: Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce Assn., Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Wisconsin Recycling Markets Board, and Renew-Wisconsin.